TMRS Booth

Designed for Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS)

This project involved branding and presentation design.

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In 2021, Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) went through a rebranding process. This meant that it was time to order a new booth for the education team to take to conferences and events. The Director of Communications at the time wanted to see a multitude of design options to present to the Executive Director.

To make the process clearer, I created an initial interactive PDF that showed the basic designs for the booth and featured controls that enabled variations. Each variation had a designation so that every reviewer could clearly communicate to me which options they preferred. If you download the first presentation, you can see the default designs by scrolling through the document pages or see the variants by clicking a button on the front page before scrolling. The final round of prospective designs compared minute variations of a default design that had been narrowed down in previous rounds.

Please note that the first presentation’s interactive functionality will be preserved in some browsers’ PDF viewers, such as Firefox, but will not work natively in other browsers (ex: Google Chrome). If the interactive features are not working, you may need to open the downloaded file directly in Adobe Acrobat or a compatible browser. The final presentation should function regardless of how it is viewed.